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Google to Start Penalizing Non-Mobile Sites April 21st

  • Posted By Andrew Zarian
  • March 16, 2015

Google announced on its Webmasters Central Blog that Starting April 21, Google will be expanding their use of mobile-friendliness as a ranking signal. This means that websites with mobile compatibility will be given higher rankings in search results than those sites without.

To make your website "mobile-friendly," Google suggests taking the following steps:


1.Visit Google's guide to mobile-friendly sites. 

2.Take Google's Mobile-Friendly Test to see how optimized your website is for mobile viewing. 

3. Use Webmaster Tools to generate a Mobile Usability Report, which helps identify any issues with your website when viewed on a mobile device.

Google has provided a website for you to go and check to see if your website is “Mobile friendly”


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