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November 10, 2015:
Google Hangouts Gets Higher Quality Video


March 2012

  • Developing Show Content - Part Two

    To see how well a certain broadcast will work we put every show through a trial period. Each show gets a six week probationary period to see if it works in numerous ways. Let me give you a rundown on what happens as a new show launches. The first show is always fun. It’s filled with nervous energy, gaffs, and just a lot of experimentation.

  • Developing Show Content - Part One

    Quite often I receive emails from up and coming Internet broadcasters asking me what they can do to grow their Internet broadcast. When it comes down to broadcasting, the amount of different factors that play into creating a successful, and of course, enjoyable broadcast is extraordinary. The obvious and easiest piece of advice I can dole out is to create a high quality show.

  • What The Tech!?

    CES 2012 Wrap up

    January is known for many things. New years resolutions, A fresh start,cold weather, but for all techno geeks out there it’s the Meca of all things Tech.The Consumer Electronics Show (CES) is where nearly every major Electronics company shows off what they are planing on releasing to the market in the upcoming year. In past years we have seen companies introduce 3D Televisions, Netbooks, and Tablets but at this years CES there was very little to look forward to in 2012. Some may attribute this to the economy but that is not an excuse for the lack of innovation we have seen at this years CES. A good friend of mine and fellow Tech Blogger described this years CES as two bored-looking booth girls listlessly kicking a soccer ball back and forth. I have to agree with him.